
Christian Counseling

Are you curious about spirituality? Are you wondering if there is something bigger than yourself? Or perhaps you grew up with a Christian family but never made it your own and you are wondering what you believe? Or perhaps you have been a Christian for a long time and simply want a counselor who shares your belief system. Are looking for God in the specific struggle you are experiencing? As Christians, we still have trouble in this world. Christians struggle with anxiety, depression, anger, divorce, grief, identity issues, parenting and addiction.

Are you a Christian considering or going through a divorce and wondering what the Bible says in regard to your situation?

Are you wondering how a Christian such as yourself is continuing to struggling with anxiety or grief ?

As a Christian, are you longing to understand how the Bible addresses your life challenge?

I am a Christian, and I hold a Biblical worldview. I strongly believe that there is a very important spiritual component to healing any emotional issue. The Bible refers to God as our Wonderful Counselor. I am trained in several secular proven techniques that line up perfectly with the Word of God. One well researched therapy is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The techniques I teach with CBT are “thought catching”. These techniques line up perfectly with Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” as well as with 2 Corinthians 10:5b, “… and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”


I really don’t feel I know the Bible well enough for Christian Counseling…

I can help you integrate what you do know, what you want to learn and how to apply these concepts to your life. It’s ok, learning is how we grow.

I am afraid this will be too much Christianity for me or I’m not sure what I believe…

We only explore Christianity to the amount you desire. I am here to help you grow and change what you want to change, not judge what you believe or do not believe.

If you would like to explore your specific concern with Christ in mind, Christian counseling can help. Please call 512-940-3565 for your free, 15-minute consultation. I would love to address any questions or concerns you may have about my approach to helping you be at peace in your life.

In light of COVID-19 and for the sake of everyone’s health and personal safety, I am conducting all therapy sessions online for the foreseeable future.  

I recognize that some may not want to incorporate Christian values or spiritually into their counseling sessions and I completely respect and honor that choice. The amount of Christianity or spirituality you bring into your sessions is always determined by you.
